6 Benefits of Using Cloud Computing

6 Benefits of Using Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is essentially a location where information is held, managed and processed, via a network of servers, which are accessed remotely through the internet. It has become increasingly popular over the years, especially with businesses, as it enables higher savings along with increased security, and an almost unlimited storage capacity, in addition to many other features. With cloud computing, there are a number of benefits a business is able to source from it. In this post, I will be listing 6 of those benefits.

The different types of cloud computing include public cloud, private cloud, and hybrid cloud. The public cloud refers to cloud computing delivered over the internet, shared across “cloud tenants” or organizations. On the other hand, private cloud pertains to cloud computing dedicated to your personal organization. Private cloud computing provides high data security and privacy levels through internal hosting and firewalls. While a hybrid cloud is a computing environment with a combination of public and private cloud, which allows data and applications to be shared amongst them. But how can cloud computing benefit your business?

Availability and Recovery

Our computers eventually die on us. The processor may burn out, or the hard drive may become corrupted beyond use. With cloud computer, we’re delivered the same kind of benefits, but in an abstract way. Depending on the kind of cloud service you’re into, we can almost forget about the typical issues that comes along with having a physical storage machine.

With the cloud, when a processor dies, those resources are reallocated to another one. When a hard drive fails, the files stored on them are transferred to another. If the entire data centre goes down, then they have several backups they can obtain the lost data from.

To make things better, when it comes to disaster recovery, there’s very little competition. You can recover your data from almost any situation or circumstance, when you opt for cloud storage services.

Strategic Competitive Advantage

Cloud computing has virtually no deployment times, and the applications that we require at the most critical times, can be made accessible to us, almost instantly. This gives any business a massive advantage over its competitors that have not yet adopted cloud computing services.

In addition to that, there’s also the added advantage of scalability. This is especially useful for smaller companies that ordinarily wouldn’t be able to compete with larger ones, due to limited in-house capacity. With cloud computing, these smaller companies now find themselves on an equal level, without having to invest large sums of cash on their own data centres.

If you want to get the most out of cloud technology, consider cloud-agnostic solutions. You can gain a more competitive advantage using cloud services through cloud agnostic deployment, allowing you to use and switch to multiple cloud services as necessary. Using a reliable cloud agnostic platform promotes greater scalability, flexibility, and more storage for your business.

You Can Work Remotely

When you opt for cloud computing, your hours now come flexible. This is due to accessibility. Because you can access your work files anywhere, it means you can work from anywhere. This in turn would lead to a better work-life balance, as employees are now able to work when it’s most convenient for them. Whether it’s spending time at the office or working from home.

Whether your employees work in a remote or hybrid (combination of in-house and remote employees) setting, you can use cloud technology to increase your team’s productivity level. Your employees can work on assignments and generate or input data without worrying about storage limitations. In addition, you can easily integrate cybersecurity features into the cloud to secure your data, such as multi-layered cloud security solutions (learn more about increased security below).

Super-Fast Performance

Cloud computing services are always fixated on maintaining their competitive edge. To do this, they must ensure that their technology always meets customer demands. The end result is a cloud computing service that offers the very best in server performance and technology, utilising the very best SSD drives and CPUs.

These cloud computing services also deploy load balancing to ensure they maximise both capacity use and performance for their clients. Load balancing works by distributing load around the various servers, to ensure that no one area of the data centre is inundated with work. The effectiveness of this method is enhanced by the number of servers available. Ultimately, this will ensure the very best performance for the customer.

Increased Security

When you opt for cloud hosting, you do so, with the understanding that you’re being protected from hackers, malicious files and other cybercriminal attacks. A cloud computing service provider is bound by a number of stringent security regulations, which have been put in place, to ensure maximum protection for the customer.

Such regulations include the use of robust firewall technology that is capable of detecting and blocking intruders, while protecting the service from viruses. Such technology is designed to detect and isolate these threats before they ever do any damage. This increased security means, a company can make much larger business commitments to the cloud.

Environmental Friendly

When you decide to move your system over to the cloud, it means there’s no longer any use for your own data centre, which in turn reduces your carbon footprint. You’ll no longer require any power for the servers that you otherwise would have acquired. Not requiring a data centre also means your businesses requires less space.

That said, there are many additional environment benefits to reduced carbon footprints, as a result of not having a data centre. When you decide to fully migrate over to the cloud, you will find that the use of economies of scale, means that the cloud computing service provider is able to use energy in a more efficient manner, and that the amount of power otherwise required to run all your systems, is much less, than it would if it were on-site. This in turn, results in an overall reduce on the impact it has on our environment.

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Author Bio: Uchenna Ani-Okoye is a former IT Manager who now runs his own computer support website compuchenna.co.uk

Known for his amazing writing and technical blogging skills, Edward Thompson is the admin of the Techenger. Joined back in 2019, after moving from San Francisco to Chicago to switch from his role of staff writer to a guest blogger. Since then, he never looked back to his past. In nutshell, he is a tech enthusiast who loves to write, read, test, evaluate, and spread knowledge about the growing technology that surrounds mankind.

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