5 Most Essential Features For Attractive Ecommerce Web Development

5 Most Essential Features For Attractive Ecommerce Web Development

We are living in a time where people seek even the smallest of the solutions on the web. There can be no better time to take your traditional stores online and leverage the best of the Internet. No matter what you sell – whether sneakers, eatables, home utilities, or anything more or less, hopping onto the eCommerce website train is the best thing to do. 

With an eCommerce website, you get a chance to build a brand and connect with a large number of potential customers subsequently selling more products. While this is possible only with the right website design, we have listed down the most significant features of ecommerce sites that help drive more profits for you. 

Essential Features For Effective Ecommerce Web Development 

Your website should look unique in its own way. Various eCommerce trends continue to come up and fade away with changing times and perceptions. There have been many trends like 360-degree product view, animation, dynamic product search, advanced filtering, etc. However, in order to be competitive and attractive, there are several basic features that an eCommerce website must-have. Read further to know them. 

  1. Keep It Simple And User-Friendly 

Simplicity should be an important element in your web design which should come without having to sacrifice its elegance. Simple is always better as it’s user-friendly and lets your customers easily find what they’re seeking. Incorporating all the numerous elements of web designing like colors, banners, animations on one single page will take away the attention from the main goal which is closing a sale. 

Instead of making your web design distractive with too many elements, we suggest you keep your design simple, clear, and clean, focusing on the major reasons for having a website. According to studies, 76% of consumers believe that the most important element of a good website is the ease of use. Buyers don’t want to waste their time messing up with features they find difficult to use.  

  1. Prioritize Branding  

People mostly prefer established brands and not just any eCommerce websites. They want a platform they can trust with their purchases and payment details. If you want to earn the trust of your customers and drive maximum sales from them, it’s time to give some serious thought to branding. Branding plays an important role in letting you establish a better connection with your audience and remains an integral part of ecommerce web design and development

Take enough time to define and describe your brand in the most unique and understandable ways. Infuse those branding ideas into the website design in the form of colors, fonts, logos, and taglines. Get to know yourself as a brand and differentiate yourself from the competitors to present your brand in a unique and effective way. 

  1. Use High-Resolution Pictures And Videos  

Even eCommerce trends have evolved over the years. This is not the time when you can simply upload one image with a few explanatory points and the price tag. Shoppers like to view their products from multiple angles and in different environments. They want to be able to zoom into the product images to ensure that they know and trust what they will actually get. 

Do not neglect the technical considerations for good images and video since this is one of the most essential ecommerce website features. Avoid images that take too long to load or do not load. Apart from only professional photos, adding Instagram photographs can boost checkouts up to 24% according to several stats. Consider displaying multiple images for each product and make sure that they are high quality and optimized for better page loading at the same time. 

  1. Relevant And Genuine Reviews  

95% of the shoppers make the decision to purchase based on the reviews. Also, 57% of the buyers prefer shopping from a brand only if it has four or more stars. While you think a negative review is a sale killer, the truth is actually the opposite. Even negative reviews can be a positive thing for your products as the ones with only positive reviews are often censored. 

This makes the customers believe that those reviews are fake. Depending on your website’s nature and functionality, you can use plugins from the most relevant reviewing platforms like Facebook, Yelp, etc. Reviews should be genuine and user-generated so that other buyers can relate to them and make informed decisions. 

  1. Keep Up With Professionalism  

The basic goal of an website design as discussed earlier is to convince the website visitors to make a purchase. Certainly, you would be asking for several sensitive details like their credit card or bank details. And not to anyone’s surprise, they won’t be comfortable doing that if your website fails to look professional and convince them. If you really wish to establish a trustful relationship with your customers, it’s worth investing in a professional ecommerce website. Developing trust is crucial when you wish to evolve. 

If you’re asking what professional means here, then it’s simple. It means your website should not have any misspellings or typos. Everything from colors and fonts to the footer design should be mindfully chosen. We suggest seeking advice and services from a proficient ecommerce development agency in India and see that every element of your website is working just right. If you want people to take your brand seriously, you need to take yourself seriously first. Therefore, everything you do regarding your website should be planned accordingly.  

Present What The Users Want  

While we have only listed the topmost points to consider for eCommerce website designs, there are many more aspects that contribute to making it attractive. One of those is offering what users expect. Obviously, you will not be selling everything in this world, even if you do, make sure that you present it in a way that attracts more and more customers. Once your website design fulfills the expectations of your customers (existing or potential) you will start observing more checkouts. Incorporate these ideas into your website and watch your business grow online. 

Known for his amazing writing and technical blogging skills, Edward Thompson is the admin of the Techenger. Joined back in 2019, after moving from San Francisco to Chicago to switch from his role of staff writer to a guest blogger. Since then, he never looked back to his past. In nutshell, he is a tech enthusiast who loves to write, read, test, evaluate, and spread knowledge about the growing technology that surrounds mankind.

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